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Need to get your TSA fingerprints taken?


Ink Card Fingerprinting may be required for any of the following reasons:


to conduct flight training if you are a non-us citizen.


to obtain your criminal history record from another state or another country. Individuals would be required to submit the ink card to the appropriate state agency or country's government agency.


To obtain a copy of your criminal history record sent directly to you by the FBI. This is particularly helpful for individuals applying for immigration status or adjustment of status.


to obtain an out-of-state professional licenses such as licenses to practice law, nursing, or other professions.


FINRA / ABA / Federal Employment - Some employees including but not limited to those individuals seeking federal employment and others working in the securities industry regulated by FINRA, are required to submit Ink Card fingerprints for background screening prior to being licensed.

+1 (619) 631-0323

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